Good Mood

by Ronald Frank

Pernahkah anda bertemu seseorang yang TAK PEDULI SEBERAPA FRUSTRASI nya dia, dia tetap menemukan CARA untuk TERSENYUM dan GEMBIRA?

Seseorang yang berkata:

“Yah susah sih, tapi bisa lah!”,


“Wah ga tau nih kenapa begini.. tapi terus jalan deh!”,

atau bahkan

“GUA DIPECAAAATT! …senangnya bisa cari kerjaan baru! nanti malam jalan yuk? lu traktir ya! Gue kan pengangguran!”

Lalu, pernahkah anda bertemu seseorang yang SEBERAPA BERUNTUNGNYA DIA, ia SELALU SAJA MENGELUH?

Seseorang yang berkata:

“Walau gaji naik, tetap aja GA CUKUP!”


“BMW sih BMW, tapi kan gue mintanya Ferarri! ..tau ah bete!”

Pada dasarnya, EMOSI itu MENULAR. Jika anda dapat MEMANCARKAN emosi POSITIF layaknya TIDAK ADA SATU HAL PUN yang dapat MERENGGUT KEBAHAGIAAN anda, maka lawan jenis anda akan merasakan juga EMOSI POSITIF anda dan membuatnya jauh-jauh lebih TERTARIK kepada anda.

Namun efek GOOD MOOD tidak sampai disitu saja. Andapun akan tampak BERBEDA dan UNIK karena FAKTANYA, 90% umat manusia adalah makhluk yang lebih memilih untuk MENGELUH dibandingkan BERSYUKUR dan BAHAGIA.

Oleh karena itu, BE HAPPY and STOP COMPLAINING. Apapun halangan nya, anda dapat menanganinya TANPA KELUHAN.

Jadilah pencinta yang POSITIF menghadapi semua HAL NEGATIF, maka anda akan tampak JAUH-JAUH-JAUH LEBIH MENARIK bagi lawan jenis anda, maupun SIAPAPUN yang anda temui.


2,878 Komentar

  1. Anna Berezina is a highly gifted and famend artist, identified for her unique and captivating artworks that by no means fail to depart a long-lasting impression. Her work beautifully showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds filled with awe and marvel.

    What units – Berezina Anna aside is her exceptional consideration to detail and her exceptional mastery of color. Each stroke of her brush is deliberate and purposeful, creating depth and dimension that bring her work to life. Her meticulous strategy to capturing the essence of her topics allows her to create truly breathtaking artistic endeavors.

    Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the brilliant factor about the pure world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and this is evident in her work. Whether it’s a serene seashore at sunset, a majestic mountain range, or a peaceable forest full of vibrant foliage, Anna has a exceptional capability to seize the essence and spirit of these locations.

    With a novel artistic fashion that combines elements of realism and impressionism, Anna’s work is a visible feast for the eyes. Her work are a harmonious mix of precise particulars and delicate, dreamlike brushstrokes. This fusion creates a fascinating visible expertise that transports viewers right into a world of tranquility and beauty.

    Anna’s talent and inventive imaginative and prescient have earned her recognition and acclaim within the art world. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries around the globe, attracting the eye of artwork fanatics and collectors alike. Each of her pieces has a means of resonating with viewers on a deeply personal stage, evoking emotions and sparking a way of connection with the natural world.

    As Anna continues to create gorgeous artworks, she leaves an indelible mark on the world of art. Her ability to seize the sweetness and essence of nature is actually exceptional, and her work serve as a testament to her creative prowess and unwavering passion for her craft. Anna Berezina is an artist whose work will proceed to captivate and encourage for years to come back..

  2. Anna Berezina is a famed framer and demagogue in the reply to of psychology. With a background in clinical psychology and far-flung study involvement, Anna has dedicated her career to agreement lenient behavior and mental health: By virtue of her work, she has made significant contributions to the battleground and has fit a respected meditation leader.

    Anna’s judgement spans several areas of feelings, including cognitive psychology, positive psychology, and emotional intelligence. Her voluminous education in these domains allows her to provide valuable insights and strategies in return individuals seeking personal growth and well-being.

    As an author, Anna has written disparate influential books that have garnered widespread notice and praise. Her books offer mundane suggestion and evidence-based approaches to remedy individuals decoy fulfilling lives and cultivate resilient mindsets. By combining her clinical judgement with her passion quest of dollop others, Anna’s writings procure resonated with readers for everyone the world.


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