by Ronald Frank

Saya disini bukan untuk meyakinkan siapa-siapa. Saya hanya BERBAGI pengalaman, SAYA TIDAK PENTING.

JANGAN PERCAYA kepada saya. PERCAYALAH kepada dirimu sendiri. CARILAH jalan mu sendiri, carilah KEBENARAN mu sendiri.

Masing-masing orang itu pada dasarnya UNIK. Jadilah DIRIMU SENDIRI sesuai keunikan mu. Gunakan pengalaman saya sebagai alat bantu atau bantu loncatan. Namun pada akhirnya, LAKUKANLAH APAPUN sesuai KEINGINAN mu, sesuai JALAN mu, sesuai HIDUP dan tanggung jawab mu.


Saya PERCAYA KEPADA KAMU. Begitu juga seharusnya kamu.

Jangan panggil saya MASTER. Saya bukan MASTER. Saya hanya REMINDER.

REMINDER yang dalam bahasa Indonesia nya disebut PENGINGAT.

MENGINGATKAN KAMU bahwa kamu TERLAHIR mempesona, menarik, bertalenta, dan penuh KARISMA.

MENGIGATKAN KAMU bahwa kamu LUPA akan SEMUA KEINDAHAN MU karena PERCAYA dengan BANYAK komentar negatif dari orang yang ada disekelilingmu.


..dan jika kamu RAGU, saya selalu disini untuk MENGINGATKAN mu.

2,790 Komentar

  1. Anna Berezina is a extremely gifted and renowned artist, recognized for her unique and captivating artworks that by no means fail to leave a lasting impression. Her work superbly showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds filled with awe and surprise.

    What units http://abaah.com/wp-content/pages/berezina-a_7.html – Anna Berezina apart is her distinctive attention to element and her remarkable mastery of colour. Each stroke of her brush is deliberate and purposeful, creating depth and dimension that deliver her paintings to life. Her meticulous approach to capturing the essence of her topics allows her to create really breathtaking works of art.

    Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the great thing about the natural world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and that is evident in her work. Whether it is a serene seashore at sundown, an impressive mountain vary, or a peaceable forest crammed with vibrant foliage, Anna has a exceptional capability to capture the essence and spirit of these locations.

    With a novel artistic fashion that combines components of realism and impressionism, Anna’s work is a visible feast for the eyes. Her work are a harmonious mix of exact particulars and gentle, dreamlike brushstrokes. This fusion creates a captivating visible experience that transports viewers right into a world of tranquility and beauty.

    Anna’s talent and creative imaginative and prescient have earned her recognition and acclaim within the art world. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries around the globe, attracting the eye of art lovers and collectors alike. Each of her items has a method of resonating with viewers on a deeply personal degree, evoking feelings and sparking a way of connection with the natural world.

    As Anna continues to create beautiful artworks, she leaves an indelible mark on the world of art. Her ability to capture the wonder and essence of nature is actually outstanding, and her paintings function a testament to her inventive prowess and unwavering passion for her craft. Anna Berezina is an artist whose work will continue to captivate and encourage for years to return..


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