by Ronald Frank

Hidup penuh paradox.

Semakin irit, semakin miskin. Semakin boros, semakin kaya.

Semakin kerja keras, semakin sedikit hasil. Semakin sedikit kerja, semakin banyak hasil.

Semakin dikejar, semakin lari. Semakin cuek, semakin dicari.

Semakin dicari, semakin hilang. Tidak dicari, malah datang.


Tidak masuk akal.

Diluar LOGIKA.

Itulah hidup.

Itulah Misteri.

Biasakan diri dengan paradox. Nikmati.

Hidup tidak sempit sebatas logika, sebatas pikiran. Semakin dipikirkan, semakin aneh. Semakin diterima, semakin INDAH.

Berjalanlah bersama hidup, bersama misteri yang indah.

Logika hanyalah sebatas matematika, sebatas mekanisme belaka. Keindahan terletak pada ketidak-tahuan, bukan pengetahuan. Penelusuran, bukan kepastian. Penemuan, bukan pengulangan.
Hidup terus berkembang. Logika menarikmu kebelakang.

Beranikan diri untuk membuka pikiran. Terima PARADOX dan keanehan hidup sebagai keindahan, bukan dipersempit oleh pikiran.

Berfikirlah besar, bermimpilah besar.

Semua bukan tentang PENCAPAIAN, tapi tentang proses yang berjalan.

Paradox adalah keindahan. Keanehan adalah kejutan. Kepastian sungguh membosankan.

4,142 Komentar

  1. Anna Berezina is a highly talented and renowned artist, known for her unique and captivating artworks that never fail to leave a lasting impression. Her work superbly showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds filled with awe and surprise.

    What sets – Berezina Anna apart is her distinctive attention to element and her exceptional mastery of colour. Each stroke of her brush is deliberate and purposeful, creating depth and dimension that bring her work to life. Her meticulous strategy to capturing the essence of her topics allows her to create actually breathtaking artistic endeavors.

    Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the brilliant factor about the pure world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and this is evident in her work. Whether it’s a serene beach at sundown, a majestic mountain range, or a peaceful forest filled with vibrant foliage, Anna has a outstanding capability to seize the essence and spirit of those locations.

    With a unique artistic fashion that combines parts of realism and impressionism, Anna’s work is a visual feast for the eyes. Her paintings are a harmonious blend of precise particulars and delicate, dreamlike brushstrokes. This fusion creates a fascinating visible experience that transports viewers into a world of tranquility and beauty.

    Anna’s talent and creative imaginative and prescient have earned her recognition and acclaim within the artwork world. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries around the globe, attracting the attention of art enthusiasts and collectors alike. Each of her items has a method of resonating with viewers on a deeply personal stage, evoking emotions and sparking a way of reference to the natural world.

    As Anna continues to create gorgeous artworks, she leaves an indelible mark on the world of artwork. Her capability to capture the wonder and essence of nature is actually exceptional, and her paintings serve as a testomony to her creative prowess and unwavering passion for her craft. Anna Berezina is an artist whose work will continue to captivate and inspire for years to come back..


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