Penawar rasa minder dan tidak enak hati

by Ronald Frank

Jika kamu tinggal punya 7 hari untuk hidup, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

Ingin cium seseorang? kamu CIUM!

Ingin PERGI dari seseorang? kamu PERGI!

Ingin dansa bugil ditengah jalan? kamu DANSA!

“Gimana kalo orang ga suka?”, “Gimana kalo diomongin orang?”, “Gimana kalau ga berhasil?”, “Gimana kalo nanti malu2in?”

BODO AMAT! ..sebentar lagi gua mati.

Lalu kamu tertawa “HAHAHA..” dan melakukan lagi APAPUN yang ingin kamu lakukan TANPA BEBAN.

Saat seseorang sudah dekat dengan kematian, ia akan memangkas semua rasa malu, rasa takut dan rasa tidak enak hati. Ia tidak punya waktu berfikir, berlogika maupun berfilsafat. Ia hanya akan MELAKUKAN apa yang ia ingin lakukan SECEPAT MUNGKIN, se-radikal mungkin.

KEMATIAN adalah penawar rasa malu, rasa takut dan rasa tidak enak hati.

KEMATIAN adalah juga penawar KEKHAWATIRAN untuk GAGAL dan TERJUN TOTAL kedalam sebuah proses TANPA EKSPEKTASI untuk mendapatkan HASIL.

KEBERHASILAN bukanlah hal yang UTAMA. Yang UTAMA adalah SENSASI PROSES. The experience of TOTALITY.

Pada akhirnya, semua bukan tentang HASIL YANG SEMPURNA, melainkan tentang MERASAKAN APAPUN YANG KAMU INGIN LAKUKAN tanpa penyesalan.

Kabar buruknya, kamu tidak pernah tau KAPAN KAMU MATI.

Mungkin besok, mungkin hari ini, mungkin setelah membaca artikel ini.

Kita semua PASTI MATI. Yang membedakan hanyalah seberapa RADIKAL kita mau mengalami SECARA TOTAL akan apa yang benar-benar kita ingin lakukan tanpa terbebani rasa malu, rasa takut dan rasa tidak enak hati.

“Gimana kalo orang ga suka?”, “Gimana kalo diomongin orang?”, “Gimana kalau ga berhasil?”, “Gimana kalo nanti malu2in?”


..karena KAMU akan menyesali SEMUA yang belum sempat kamu lakukan, sesaat sebelum kamu mati.

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  1. Company Filings The firm is run by people who previously worked at crypto companies like Coinbase, Blockchain and Amber Group, among other entities. It is also in a joint “hybrid structure” venture with Lightspeed Venture Partners so it can leverage the venture firm’s platform, Harrison said. Though he was young, Pleterski began investing in cryptocurrency back in 2015, with an article in Forbes pre-dating his bankruptcy noting his ability to leverage his knowledge as an avid gamer to understand and thrive in the online trading world. In May 2022, following a vote by Wikipedia editors the previous month, the Wikimedia Foundation announced it would stop accepting donations in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies—eight years after it had first started taking contributions in bitcoin.
    Ripple’s court victory over the SEC in July—a case in litigation since 2020—was seen as a boon not just for the company but the entire industry. In a landmark decision, a U.S. district judge ruled that the token created by the company was not a security in all cases. Bitcoin , the world’s largest cryptocurrency, dropped more than 9% before paring those losses. It was down 6.6% at $41,937 around 12:00ET. Smaller coins, which typically mimic bitcoin, also tumbled. The Chinese government will “resolutely clamp down on virtual currency speculation, and related financial activities and misbehaviour in order to safeguard people’s properties and maintain economic, financial and social order,” the People’s Bank of China said in a statement. In simple terms, cryptocurrency is a digital token, ownership of which is recorded on a blockchain, a distributed software ledger that no one controls. This is designed to make it more secure, in theory. bitcoin and ethereum are the two most widely known cryptocurrencies, but more than 18,000 tokens are traded under different names (dogecoin is one famous example). 


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