Teknik di kiss 2 cewe

by Ronald Frank

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MINDSET & TEKNIK nya agar kita bisa di kiss 2 orang cewe seperti di Gambar ini gimana Master Ronald Frank? *PLEASE-NO-BULLY*

Saya merespon:

Tidak ada yang spesial dengan dicium 2 wanita dipipi. Bahkan tidak ada yang spesial dengan dicium 2 wanita dibibir, maupun tidur dengan 2 wanita, maupun telanjang dan dipeluk 5 wanita sekaligus dalam 1 private jacuzzi.

Kamu hanya akan merasa spesial saat BELUM merasakan nya. Saat sudah merasakan nya, semua BIASA SAJA. Semua kenikmatan yang kamu pikir akan bertahan lama, HILANG DALAM SEKEJAB beberapa saat setelah kamu mendapatkan nya.

Jangan terlalu ter-obsesi dengan teknik dicium 2 wanita dipipi, karena itu FOKUS yang salah. Jika kamu fokus kepada teknik dicium 2 wanita, kamu akan terlihat seperti orang “norak” yang belum pernah dicium. Kamupun akan membuat dicium dipipi layaknya HAL BESAR atau BIG DEAL.

FOKUS yang benar adalah bagaimana membuat dirimu NYAMAN. Karena saat kamu NYAMAN dengan dirimu sendiri saat berada disekeliling wanita, maka wanita akan NYAMAN untuk HAMPIR MELAKUKAN APAPUN dengan mu.

Kamu bisa nyaman untuk cipika-cipiki, foto seksi, ciuman, pelukan, bahkan hal-hal gila seperti bikin video bokep maupun berkata: “Ajak temen cewek kamu dong kesini.. biar kita bisa X bertiga”.

Saat kamu NYAMAN, kamu dapat MELAKUKAN APAPUN tanpa MERASA BUTUH untuk mendapatkan nya. Disitulah saat dimana wanita memberikan apa yang kamu inginkan.

Jadi, lupakan soal teknik cium pipi. Fokus kepada cara membuat dirimu nyaman. Itu akan membuatmu mendapatkan banyak hal yang lebih menggiurkan daripada sekedar cium pipi.

4,296 Komentar

  1. Anna Berezina is a extremely proficient and famend artist, recognized for her distinctive and captivating artworks that by no means fail to leave a long-lasting impression. Her paintings beautifully showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds filled with awe and marvel.

    What sets https://hdvideo.cat/pag/berezina-a_9.html – Anna apart is her exceptional attention to element and her outstanding mastery of color. Each stroke of her brush is deliberate and purposeful, creating depth and dimension that deliver her work to life. Her meticulous method to capturing the essence of her topics permits her to create actually breathtaking artworks.

    Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the beauty of the natural world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and that is evident in her work. Whether it is a serene seashore at sundown, a majestic mountain range, or a peaceful forest filled with vibrant foliage, Anna has a outstanding ability to capture the essence and spirit of these places.

    With a novel artistic fashion that mixes elements of realism and impressionism, Anna’s work is a visual feast for the eyes. Her work are a harmonious blend of exact details and delicate, dreamlike brushstrokes. This fusion creates a fascinating visible expertise that transports viewers right into a world of tranquility and wonder.

    Anna’s talent and inventive vision have earned her recognition and acclaim within the artwork world. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries around the globe, attracting the eye of artwork fanatics and collectors alike. Each of her items has a method of resonating with viewers on a deeply personal stage, evoking feelings and sparking a sense of connection with the pure world.

    As Anna continues to create beautiful artworks, she leaves an indelible mark on the world of artwork. Her capability to seize the beauty and essence of nature is really exceptional, and her work function a testament to her creative prowess and unwavering passion for her craft. Anna Berezina is an artist whose work will proceed to captivate and encourage for years to return..


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