Jangan berkorban demi cinta

by Ronald Frank

Apakah untuk mendapatkan cinta kamu harus berkorban mati-matian?

Apakah BESARNYA PENGORBANAN dapat membuat wanita jatuh cinta kepadamu?

Saya rasa TIDAK.

Justru jika kamu ingin mendapatkan cinta, JANGAN BERKORBAN. Jika kamu berkorban, kamu malah diguna-gunakan.

Bagaimana bisa?

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4,092 Komentar

  1. Conclude your essay by restating your thesis statement. Quickly summarize the results of your findings. You may also conclude by offering a call-to-action to your readers. Besides this, you can also suggest materials for further reading. This is the final section of your five-page essay that should cover the last half of the 5th page. If you weren’t explicitly asked to, there is no need to include a separate title page. Instead, indicate your name, the name of your instructor, the course, and the date at the top of the first page, aligned left. Then, type the title of your page, centered, in Title Case. Then, double-space and write your essay. MLA recommends adding a page header with your name and page title separated by a space and right-aligned. It does not worth mentioning that you should plan the process of writing accurately. It is impossible to compose a successful 5-page essay if you do not arrange this process wisely. The best way to give a good start to your essay is to design a good outline. You are expected to mention every important section, thought provoking point and issue that you want to place into your essay. Remember that a good 5-page essay should consist of three parts – exposition, the main body and denouement.
    Above all, avoid playing it safe with bland language. It can be tempting to resist making yourself stand out in your statement because you don’t want to ruin your chances by “sounding weird.” Ironically, this type of information may be what makes you the most compelling candidate. Graduate program committees receive dozens—sometimes hundreds—of applications each year. Make your voice stand out among the rest by showing that you are not only professional but that there’s a person behind the important decisions you have made. What was the human element that motivated you to get you to where you are? Get feedback and ask for examples! Ask your friends if it sounds like you. Ask your professors if it’s clear and concise. Graduate students and postdocs are a great resource as well. They have just been through this process and can offer lots of useful advice. Ask for their personal statements to use as an example!


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